

‘Opportunities for Everyone,
Possibilities Everyday’

for Everyone,

SCBX Group aims to drive balance of economic, social, and environmental with opportunities and possibilities for all sectors to be able to participate in creating positive impacts on the ecosystem for sustainable development.

SCBX Group’s commitment clearly reflects its mission to make finance simple, accessible, and affordable for all through the power of technology and innovation to support inclusive growth while simultaneously supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement.

SCBX Group aims to drive balance of economic, social, and environmental with opportunities and possibilities for all sectors to be able to participate in creating positive impacts on the ecosystem for sustainable development.

SCBX Group’s commitment clearly reflects its mission to make finance simple, accessible, and affordable for all through the power of technology and innovation to support inclusive growth while simultaneously supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement.

Becoming one of the most sustainable organizations is SCBX Group’s ultimate goal. We are determined to balance

economic, social, and environmental sustainability factors; guide customers through transitions with all available opportunities and possibilities; enable a quality of life for all; and engage all parties in creating positive impacts in the ecosystem for sustainability.

SCBX devised the sustainability policy and strategic framework consisting of four pillars – Planting Digital Seeds, Enriching Lives, Growing Economic Resilience and Achieving Climate Neutrality – as guided by the sustainability mission of ‘Opportunities for Everyone, Possibilities Everyday’


To ensure adherence to the SCBX Group Sustainability Policy and framework with systematic deployment, the sustainability governance structure at the Group level has been specified and tasked with roles and responsibilities

from the Board of Directors to subsidiaries in order to embed sustainability mindset and practices as part of SCBX Group culture and work process.


SCBX Group supports and collaborates with national and global initiatives and partnerships on environmental, social, and governance, enabling the Group to adopt best practices while taking part in driving global efforts on sustainability agendas.

A Thailand chapter of WBCSD aiming to promote environmental awareness within the business sector under the concept of sustainable development.
A voluntary initiative by Thai private sector to take part in tackling corruption through collective actions.
The EP Association promotes and encourages the adoption and implementation of the Principles by financial institutions.
An industry-led partnership to facilitate transparency and accountability of the financial industry to the Paris Agreement.
A collaborative partnership to drive ambitious climate action in the private sector by enabling organizations to set science-based emissions reduction targets.
A framework set to help public companies and organizations to effectively disclose climate-related risks and opportunities.
A voluntary initiative to implement universal sustainability principles and support UN goals.
A public organization focusing on enhancing Thailand and Southeast Asia region’s competence on climate change issues.


SCBX Group has a policy in place to support organizations or activities that seek to build an inclusive financial ecosystem while accelerating transition to a low carbon economy. Advocacy of public policies or supports to any organizations must be made based on principles of good governance and ensuring balance in economic, social, and environmental prosperity. In this manner, SCBX Group will not lobby, collaborate, or form relationships with any external organizations on lobbying issues that contradict SCBX’s sustainability strategy, the UN SDGs, demonstrate misalignments or counter the efforts or intents of the Group’s Net Zero aspirations in taking part to limit the average global temperature rise to 1.5°C as mandated in the Paris Agreement.

To ensure that SCBX Group’s approach towards sustainability and climate change is effective and transparent, management committee is responsible for monitoring sustainability progress and performance, reporting to executive committee for endorsement, and to board of directors for approval, in case of any decision making.

Within governance, chief sustainability officer is responsible for overseeing strategy, action plans, and performance monitoring of climate change related issues. This includes mitigation and adaptation measures as well as lobbying activities which must align with SCBX Group’s commitments to Net Zero, adhering to the Paris Agreement and to Thailand’s Net Zero aspiration. Considering the revenue proportion and environmental impacts caused, this commitment is applied to SCBX subsidiaries with operations in Thailand.


Selected as a member of Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) for the World Index and the Emerging Markets Index in the banking sector for the 5th consecutive year
SCBX also ranked among top 5% S&P Global ESG Score of the banking sector as reported in The Sustainability Yearbook 2023
S&P Global
FTSE4Good Emerging Index Selected a member of FTSE4Good Index Series in the FTSE4Good Emerging Index
FTSE Russell
Rated “A” on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Performance in the Banking Category
Rated “C” on Climate Change Management Assessment
Listed in the Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI) with SET Awards 2022,

• Sustainability Excellence, Commended recognition
• Best Asset Management Company Awards – ESG

The 7th Asia’s Best Sustainability Report award

• Asia’s Best Workplace Reporting, Gold
• Asia’s Best Sustainability Report (Design), Bronze

CSRWorks International Pte Ltd
Low Carbon and Sustainable Business Index (LCSi) 2022 – Rising Star Award
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get to know sustainability

  • Double Materiality and Impact Valuation

  • Policies

  • Plant Digital Seed

  • Enriching Lives

  • Growing Economic Resilience

  • Reaching Climate Neutrality

  • Strengthened Foundation

  • Progress

  • Report and Disclosures