Risk Management


The ability to systematically and effectively
manage risks in a constantly changing context
is crucial to long-term business resilience
and capabilities.
The ability to systematically
and effectively manage risks
in a constantly changing
context is crucial to
long-term business resilience
and capabilities.

Risk Governance

SCBX has integrated risk management and considerations into every business process, with governance bodies overseeing coordinated efforts at every level, from the director and management down to the operational level. In addition, the Board of Directors is responsible for formulating SCBX Group Risk Management Policy, covering relevant risks and business continuity management of the Group, including internal control to ensure that SCBX Group has in place a risk governance framework that fosters a risk culture.

At the same time, sub-committees are responsible for overseeing, supporting, reviewing, and ensuring that SCBX Group has in place appropriate policies and strategies covering key risks and emerging risks under management of the Risk Office, tasked with driving group-wide risk management practice.

Risk Management Process

SCBX manages risks systematically and continuously through a review of risks and risk levels, scenario analysis, stress testing, defining business continuity management plans, organizing regular training sessions, and regularly auditing the risk management process.

Risk Identification

SCBX has identified key material risks and reviews business operations and strategies across the entire Group on a regular basis to assess any emerging risk that could become material to the SCBX Group.

Risk Assessment and Measurement

SCBX performs risk self-assessment and measurement to identify the likelihood and potential severity of any impact of risks to operations, using a wide range of quantitative and qualitative methods. SCBX also performs stress tests to implement forward-looking risk management.

Risk Control and Monitoring

The SCBX Group has established Group Risk Appetite Statements for key risk indicators and risk limits to control and monitor pre-specified material risks with plans to manage and mitigate any risk impacts.

Key Material Risks

Read details of key material risks in the annual report of SCBX.

Risk Identification

SCBX has identified key material risks and reviews business operations and strategies across the entire Group on a regular basis to assess any emerging risk that could become material to the SCBX Group.

Risk Assessment and Measurement

SCBX performs risk self-assessment and measurement to identify the likelihood and potential severity of any impact of risks to operations, using a wide range of quantitative and qualitative methods. SCBX also performs stress tests to implement forward-looking risk management.

Risk Control and Monitoring

The SCBX Group has established Group Risk Appetite Statements for key risk indicators and risk limits to control and monitor pre-specified material risks with plans to manage and mitigate any risk impacts.

Key Material Risks
  • Strategic Risk
  • Credit Risk
  • Investment Risk
  • Liquidity Risk
  • Market Risk
  • Technology and ICT Risk
  • Operational Risk
  • Legal and Compliance Risk
  • Reputational Risk
  • People Risk
  • Model and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Risk
  • Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Risk

Emerging Risks

The current business context consistently exposes organizations to unprecedented external risk factors, ranging from geo-political conflicts, political instability and disturbances, macro-economic disruptive changes, natural disasters, terrorism, cyber-attacks, pandemics, as well as supply chain disruptions. SCBX continues to manage these risks through simulation models and stress testing while deploying business continuity plans with periodic tests which are specified as part of enterprise risk management.

SCBX reviews emerging risks resulting from events or factors that may cause mid-to-long-term disruptions to the company’s business models or activities.


Cybercrime, Cyber Terrorism, and State- Sponsored Activity

Cultivating a Risk Culture

Recognizing that risk management is the duty of every employee, the SCBX Group has fostered and embedded a risk culture as part of everyday work through organizational management systems and various activities to drive shared risk and management responsibility throughout the organization.

Three Lines of Defense

Encouraging the adoption of “Three Lines of Defense” among the First Line (Business and support units), the Second Line (Risk Management and Compliance), and the Third Line (Internal Audit), while identifying risk assessment, mitigation measures, and monitoring.

Raising awareness
Risk reporting

Providing channels for providing information or notifying risk incidents through a Whistleblower channel, the Internal Audit Unit/People Unit or assigned person is responsible for managing, collecting, screening, and investigating complaints or clues received. If there are proven grounds for a complaint, the matter will be escalated in accordance with the Company’s policy and a report presented to the Audit Committee every quarter. It is the Company’s policy to maintain strict confidentiality to protect whistleblowers and informants as well as provide appropriate and fair protection.

Strengthened Foundation

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Strengthened Foundation

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foundation of sustainability

  • Corporate Governance